Interested in becoming a Hospitaller of St Martin?

People considering monastic communities like the Hospitallers of St Martin are called Novices, and the process of becoming a member is called a “novitiate.” Before entering the novitiate to become a professed member of the Hospitallers of St Martin, all interested parties should familiarize themselves with our constitution, vows, and Rule. Once you’ve done that, reach out to us on social media to get the process started!



Constitutions are the basis for organizing community as a flawed human institution, a way of preserving unions fairly and consistently despite individual differences.

Rule of Life

Christians have long insisted upon a regula, or ‘rule,’ by which individuals measured their lives. Faithful regulae are central to communities like ours, so we spell out our Rule of Life for all to see.

Solemn Vows

After discerning a call to community, Novices take vows to signify their commitment. Vows are a solemn promise to God and one another that form the foundation of our life together in Christ.